GEPF self-service website and app is live

Visit or download the GEPF Self-Service app from Google Play Store or Apple App store

02 March 2021 - 07:01
Welcome to GEPF self service
Image: Supplied/GEPF Welcome to GEPF self service

The Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) has launched a self-service web system and app to enable its members to access and update their information as well as track pension or other related benefit claims.

This system will minimise long queues at GEPF offices and call centres, as well as travelling long distances to access the services.

On the GEPF self-service system members can:

  • access latest benefit statements;
  • access latest and historic (five years) tax certificates (IRP5, IT3A, IT3B);
  • trace resignation and retirement benefit claims. However, on the next phase, GEPF members will be able to track all benefit claims such as child’s pension benefit, spouse pension benefit, death benefit, funeral benefit and divorce claim benefit;
  • update personal information such as address and contact details. (For security reasons, members updating personal information such as changing surname and marital status will still need to do so manually by completing the Z864 form for updating personal information. Once the form is completed, a member needs to submit it to the nearest GEPF office with supporting documents so that the details can be updated on GEPF self-service platforms); 
  • nominate and update beneficiaries;
  • access personalised communication such as letters and newsletters;
  • access latest notices about GEPF services, processes and benefits;
  • view banking details that GEPF has on its system. (For security reasons, members updating banking details will still need to do so manually by completing the Z894 banking particulars form. Once the form is completed, a member needs to submit it to the nearest GEPF office with supporting documents so that the details can be updated on GEPF self-service platforms); and
  • request a “Please Call Me Back” if they’re experiencing technical issues or need assistance with information on the platform.

Requirement for registering for GEPF self-service web and mobile app:

SA citizen:

SA ID number (mandatory) E-mail address (mandatory) Cellphone number (mandatory)

Non-SA citizens:

Passport number (mandatory) Date of birth (mandatory) Country of origin (mandatory) E-mail address (mandatory) Cellphone number (mandatory)

If a member is a SA citizen, whose valid ID number, cellphone number, and e-mail address entered does not match the information held by the GEPF, they will be redirected to the self-registration questionnaire page.

The self-registration questionnaire requires a member to supply a valid SA ID number that matches the information held by the GEPF and once successfully match, they will need to answer a set of questions for authentication. If all questions are answered correctly, they will be able to update personal information and register.

If a member is a non-South African citizen whose passport number, date of birth, country of origin, cellphone number, and e-mail address do not match the information held by the GEPF,  they will be redirected to the self-registration questionnaire page.

The self-registration questionnaire requires a member to supply a passport number that matches the information held by the GEPF, and once successfully matched, they will need to answer a set of questions for authentication. If all questions are answered correctly, the member will be able to update personal information and register.

Frequently asked questions:

  • What causes unsuccessful makes a registration unsuccessful? Wrong personal information, and/or duplicate system number.
  • Already registered? Members will have to use the login functionality.
  • Can’t remember my password? Members will have to use the forgot password functionality.
  • How to access GEPF self-service web or app? Visit the GEPF website, click on the self-service tab and follow the prompts. Alternatively, you can download GEPF Self-Service app from Google Play Store or Apple App store and follow the prompts to register.

This article was paid for by the Government Employees Pension Fund.